Welcome! ======== You've landed on the documentation pages for the **Jupyter Server** Project. Some other pages you may have been looking for: * `Jupyter Server Github Repo `_, the source code we describe in this code. * `Jupyter Notebook Github Repo `_ , the source code for the classic Notebook. * `JupyterLab Github Repo `_, the JupyterLab server which runs on the Jupyter Server. Introduction ------------ Jupyter Server is the backend that provides the core services, APIs, and `REST endpoints`_ for Jupyter web applications. .. note:: Jupyter Server is a replacement for the Tornado Web Server in `Jupyter Notebook`_. Jupyter web applications should move to using Jupyter Server. For help, see the :ref:`migrate_from_notebook` page. .. _Tornado: https://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/ .. _Jupyter Notebook: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook .. _REST endpoints: https://petstore.swagger.io/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter/jupyter_server/main/jupyter_server/services/api/api.yaml Applications ------------ Jupyter Server extensions can use the framework and services provided by Jupyter Server to create applications and services. Examples of Jupyter Server extensions include: .. _examples of jupyter server extensions: `Jupyter Lab `_ JupyterLab computational environment. `Jupyter Resource Usage `_ Jupyter Notebook Extension for monitoring your own resource usage. `Jupyter Scheduler `_ Run Jupyter notebooks as jobs. `jupyter-collaboration `_ A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Support for Y Documents. `NbClassic `_ Jupyter notebook as a Jupyter Server extension. `Cylc UI Server `_ A Jupyter Server extension that serves the cylc-ui web application for monitoring and controlling Cylc workflows. For more information on extensions, see :ref:`extensions`. Who's this for? --------------- The Jupyter Server is a highly technical piece of the Jupyter Stack, so we've separated documentation to help specific personas: 1. :ref:`Users `: people using Jupyter web applications. 2. :ref:`Operators `: people deploying or serving Jupyter web applications to others. 3. :ref:`Developers `: people writing Jupyter Server extensions and web applications. 4. :ref:`Contributors `: people contributing directly to the Jupyter Server library. If you finds gaps in our documentation, please open an issue (or better, a pull request) on the Jupyter Server `Github repo `_. Table of Contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Users Operators Developers Contributors Other