jupyter_server.nbconvert package#


Tornado handlers for nbconvert.

class jupyter_server.nbconvert.handlers.NbconvertFileHandler(application, request, **kwargs)#

Bases: JupyterHandler

An nbconvert file handler.

auth_resource = 'nbconvert'#
get(format, path)#

Get a notebook file in a desired format.

class jupyter_server.nbconvert.handlers.NbconvertPostHandler(application, request, **kwargs)#

Bases: JupyterHandler

An nbconvert post handler.

auth_resource = 'nbconvert'#

Convert a notebook file to a desired format.


Find the resource files in a directory.

jupyter_server.nbconvert.handlers.get_exporter(format, **kwargs)#

get an exporter, raising appropriate errors

jupyter_server.nbconvert.handlers.respond_zip(handler, name, output, resources)#

Zip up the output and resource files and respond with the zip file.

Returns True if it has served a zip file, False if there are no resource files, in which case we serve the plain output file.

Module contents#