jupyter_server.auth package#


An Authorizer for use in the Jupyter server.

The default authorizer (AllowAllAuthorizer) allows all authenticated requests

Added in version 2.0.

class jupyter_server.auth.authorizer.AllowAllAuthorizer(**kwargs)#

Bases: Authorizer

A no-op implementation of the Authorizer

This authorizer allows all authenticated requests.

Added in version 2.0.

is_authorized(handler, user, action, resource)#

This method always returns True.

All authenticated users are allowed to do anything in the Jupyter Server.

Return type:


class jupyter_server.auth.authorizer.Authorizer(**kwargs)#

Bases: LoggingConfigurable

Base class for authorizing access to resources in the Jupyter Server.

All authorizers used in Jupyter Server should inherit from this base class and, at the very minimum, implement an is_authorized method with the same signature as in this base class.

The is_authorized method is called by the @authorized decorator in JupyterHandler. If it returns True, the incoming request to the server is accepted; if it returns False, the server returns a 403 (Forbidden) error code.

The authorization check will only be applied to requests that have already been authenticated.

Added in version 2.0.


A trait whose value must be an instance of a specified class.

The value can also be an instance of a subclass of the specified class.

Subclasses can declare default classes by overriding the klass attribute

is_authorized(handler, user, action, resource)#

A method to determine if user is authorized to perform action (read, write, or execute) on the resource type.


True if user authorized to make request; False, otherwise

Return type:


Decorator for layering authorization into JupyterHandlers.


A decorator for tornado.web.RequestHandler methods that allows any user to make the following request.

Selectively disables the ‘authentication’ layer of REST API which is active when ServerApp.allow_unauthenticated_access = False.

To be used exclusively on endpoints which may be considered public, for example the login page handler.

Added in version 2.13.


method (bound callable) – the endpoint method to remove authentication from.

Return type:

TypeVar(FuncT, bound= Callable[..., Any])

jupyter_server.auth.decorator.authorized(action=None, resource=None, message=None)#

A decorator for tornado.web.RequestHandler methods that verifies whether the current user is authorized to make the following request.

Helpful for adding an ‘authorization’ layer to a REST API.

Added in version 2.0.

  • action (str) – the type of permission or action to check.

  • resource (str or None) – the name of the resource the action is being authorized to access.

  • message (str or none) – a message for the unauthorized action.

Return type:

TypeVar(FuncT, bound= Callable[..., Any])


A decorator for websockets derived from WebSocketHandler that authenticates user before allowing to proceed.

Differently from tornado.web.authenticated, does not redirect to the login page, which would be meaningless for websockets.

Added in version 2.13.


method (bound callable) – the endpoint method to add authentication for.

Return type:

TypeVar(FuncT, bound= Callable[..., Any])

Identity Provider interface

This defines the _authentication_ layer of Jupyter Server, to be used in combination with Authorizer for _authorization_.

Added in version 2.0.

class jupyter_server.auth.identity.IdentityProvider(**kwargs)#

Bases: LoggingConfigurable

Interface for providing identity management and authentication.

Two principle methods:

  • get_user() returns a User object for successful authentication, or None for no-identity-found.

  • identity_model() turns a User into a JSONable dict. The default is to use dataclasses.asdict(), and usually shouldn’t need override.

Additional methods can customize authentication.

Added in version 2.0.

property auth_enabled#

Is authentication enabled?

Should always be True, but may be False in rare, insecure cases where requests with no auth are allowed.

Previously: LoginHandler.get_login_available

auth_header_pat = re.compile('(token|bearer)\\s+(.+)', re.IGNORECASE)#

Clear the login cookie, effectively logging out the session.

Return type:


cookie_name: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes]#



Name of the cookie to set for persisting login. Default


Extra keyword arguments to pass to set_secure_cookie. See tornado’s set_secure_cookie docs for details.


Generate a random anonymous user.

For use when a single shared token is used, but does not identify a user.

Return type:


Return the login cookie name

Uses IdentityProvider.cookie_name, if defined. Default is to generate a string taking host into account to avoid collisions for multiple servers on one hostname with different ports.

Return type:



Return list of additional handlers for this identity provider

For example, an OAuth callback handler.

Return type:

list[tuple[str, object]]

Extra keyword arguments to pass to get_secure_cookie. See tornado’s get_secure_cookie docs for details.


Get the user token from a request

Default: :rtype: str | None

  • in URL parameters: ?token=<token>

  • in header: Authorization: token <token>


Get the authenticated user for a request

Must return a jupyter_server.auth.User, though it may be a subclass.

Return None if the request is not authenticated.

_may_ be a coroutine

Return type:

User | None | t.Awaitable[User | None]

Get user from a cookie

Calls user_from_cookie to deserialize cookie value

Return type:

User | None | t.Awaitable[User | None]

async get_user_token(handler)#

Identify the user based on a token in the URL or Authorization header

Returns: - uuid if authenticated - None if not

Return type:

User | None


Return a User as an Identity model

Return type:

dict[str, Any]


Returns True if handler has been token authenticated. Otherwise, False.

Login with a token is used to signal certain things, such as: :rtype: bool

  • permit access to REST API

  • xsrf protection

  • skip origin-checks for scripts

property login_available#

Whether a LoginHandler is needed - and therefore whether the login page should be displayed.


The login handler class to use, if any.

property logout_available#

Whether a LogoutHandler is needed.


The logout handler class to use.

need_token: bool | Bool[bool, t.Union[bool, int]]#

A boolean (True, False) trait.


Process login form data

Return authenticated User if successful, None if not.

Return type:

User | None

Specify whether login cookie should have the secure property (HTTPS-only).Only needed when protocol-detection gives the wrong answer due to proxies.

Call this on handlers to set the login cookie for success

Return type:



Should the Handler check for CORS origin validation?

Origin check should be skipped for token-authenticated requests.

Returns: - True, if Handler must check for valid CORS origin. - False, if Handler should skip origin check since requests are token-authenticated.

Return type:


token: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes]#

Token used for authenticating first-time connections to the server.

The token can be read from the file referenced by JUPYTER_TOKEN_FILE or set directly with the JUPYTER_TOKEN environment variable.

When no password is enabled, the default is to generate a new, random token.

Setting to an empty string disables authentication altogether, which is NOT RECOMMENDED.

Prior to 2.0: configured as ServerApp.token

token_generated = False#

Inverse of user_to_cookie

Return type:

User | None

Serialize a user to a string for storage in a cookie

If overriding in a subclass, make sure to define user_from_cookie as well.

Default is just the user’s username.

Return type:


validate_security(app, ssl_options=None)#

Check the application’s security.

Show messages, or abort if necessary, based on the security configuration.

Return type:


class jupyter_server.auth.identity.LegacyIdentityProvider(**kwargs)#

Bases: PasswordIdentityProvider

Legacy IdentityProvider for use with custom LoginHandlers

Login configuration has moved from LoginHandler to IdentityProvider in Jupyter Server 2.0.

property auth_enabled#

Return whether any auth is enabled


Get the user.

Return type:

User | None


Whether we are token authenticated.

Return type:


property login_available: bool#

Whether a LoginHandler is needed - and therefore whether the login page should be displayed.


An instance of a Python dict.

One or more traits can be passed to the constructor to validate the keys and/or values of the dict. If you need more detailed validation, you may use a custom validator method.

Changed in version 5.0: Added key_trait for validating dict keys.

Changed in version 5.0: Deprecated ambiguous trait, traits args in favor of value_trait, per_key_traits.


Whether we should check origin.

Return type:


validate_security(app, ssl_options=None)#

Validate security.

Return type:


class jupyter_server.auth.identity.PasswordIdentityProvider(**kwargs)#

Bases: IdentityProvider

A password identity provider.


Allow password to be changed at login for the Jupyter server.

While logging in with a token, the Jupyter server UI will give the opportunity to the user to enter a new password at the same time that will replace the token login mechanism.

This can be set to False to prevent changing password from the UI/API.

property auth_enabled: bool#

Return whether any auth is enabled


Hashed password to use for web authentication.

To generate, type in a python/IPython shell:

from jupyter_server.auth import passwd; passwd()

The string should be of the form type:salt:hashed-password.

property login_available: bool#

Whether a LoginHandler is needed - and therefore whether the login page should be displayed.


Check password against our stored hashed password


Forces users to use a password for the Jupyter server. This is useful in a multi user environment, for instance when everybody in the LAN can access each other’s machine through ssh.

In such a case, serving on localhost is not secure since any user can connect to the Jupyter server via ssh.


Process login form data

Return authenticated User if successful, None if not.

Return type:

User | None

validate_security(app, ssl_options=None)#

Handle security validation.

Return type:


class jupyter_server.auth.identity.User(username, name='', display_name='', initials=None, avatar_url=None, color=None)#

Bases: object

Object representing a User

This or a subclass should be returned from IdentityProvider.get_user

avatar_url: str | None = None#
color: str | None = None#
display_name: str = ''#

Fill out default fields in the identity model

  • Ensures all values are defined

  • Fills out derivative values for name fields fields

  • Fills out null values for optional fields

initials: str | None = None#
name: str = ''#
username: str#

Tornado handlers for logging into the Jupyter Server.

class jupyter_server.auth.login.LegacyLoginHandler(application, request, **kwargs)#

Bases: LoginFormHandler

Legacy LoginHandler, implementing most custom auth configuration.

Deprecated in jupyter-server 2.0. Login configuration has moved to IdentityProvider.

auth_header_pat = re.compile('token\\s+(.+)', re.IGNORECASE)#
classmethod get_login_available(settings)#

DEPRECATED in 2.0, use IdentityProvider API

classmethod get_token(handler)#

Get the user token from a request


  • in URL parameters: ?token=<token>

  • in header: Authorization: token <token>

classmethod get_user(handler)#

DEPRECATED in 2.0, use IdentityProvider API

DEPRECATED in 2.0, use IdentityProvider API

classmethod get_user_token(handler)#

DEPRECATED in 2.0, use IdentityProvider API

property hashed_password#
classmethod is_token_authenticated(handler)#

DEPRECATED in 2.0, use IdentityProvider API

passwd_check(a, b)#

Check a passwd.

classmethod password_from_settings(settings)#

DEPRECATED in 2.0, use IdentityProvider API


Post a login form.

Call this on handlers to set the login cookie for success

classmethod should_check_origin(handler)#

DEPRECATED in 2.0, use IdentityProvider API

classmethod validate_security(app, ssl_options=None)#

DEPRECATED in 2.0, use IdentityProvider API

class jupyter_server.auth.login.LoginFormHandler(application, request, **kwargs)#

Bases: JupyterHandler

The basic tornado login handler

accepts login form, passed to IdentityProvider.process_login_form.


Get the login form.


Post a login.


alias of LegacyLoginHandler

Tornado handlers for logging out of the Jupyter Server.

class jupyter_server.auth.logout.LogoutHandler(application, request, **kwargs)#

Bases: JupyterHandler

An auth logout handler.


Handle a logout.

Password generation for the Jupyter Server.

jupyter_server.auth.security.passwd(passphrase=None, algorithm='argon2')#

Generate hashed password and salt for use in server configuration.

In the server configuration, set c.ServerApp.password to the generated string.

  • passphrase (str) – Password to hash. If unspecified, the user is asked to input and verify a password.

  • algorithm (str) – Hashing algorithm to use (e.g, ‘sha1’ or any argument supported by hashlib.new(), or ‘argon2’).


hashed_passphrase – Hashed password, in the format ‘hash_algorithm:salt:passphrase_hash’.

Return type:



>>> passwd("mypassword")  
jupyter_server.auth.security.passwd_check(hashed_passphrase, passphrase)#

Verify that a given passphrase matches its hashed version.

  • hashed_passphrase (str) – Hashed password, in the format returned by passwd.

  • passphrase (str) – Passphrase to validate.


valid – True if the passphrase matches the hash.

Return type:



>>> myhash = passwd("mypassword")
>>> passwd_check(myhash, "mypassword")
>>> passwd_check(myhash, "otherpassword")
>>> passwd_check("sha1:0e112c3ddfce:a68df677475c2b47b6e86d0467eec97ac5f4b85a", "mypassword")
jupyter_server.auth.security.persist_config(config_file=None, mode=384)#

Context manager that can be used to modify a config object

On exit of the context manager, the config will be written back to disk, by default with user-only (600) permissions.

jupyter_server.auth.security.set_password(password=None, config_file=None)#

Ask user for password, store it in JSON configuration file

A module with various utility methods for authorization in Jupyter Server.


Get a random user-name based on the moons of Jupyter. This function returns names like “Anonymous Io” or “Anonymous Metis”.

Return type:



Returns a dictionary with all of Jupyter Server’s request handler URL regex patterns mapped to their resource name.

e.g. { “/api/contents/<regex_pattern>”: “contents”, …}

jupyter_server.auth.utils.match_url_to_resource(url, regex_mapping=None)#

Finds the JupyterHandler regex pattern that would match the given URL and returns the resource name (str) of that handler.

e.g. /api/contents/… returns “contents”


DEPRECATED, does nothing

Module contents#